Entité de rattachement
Écologie des Communautés, Macro-écologie et Conservation
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Biogéographie ; Ecologie ; Biogéomorphologie ; Ecologie du paysage ; Philosophie de la nature
Habilité(e) à diriger des recherches
Principale : Espèces ingénieures ; Phanérogames marines ; Annélides polychètes ; Habitats marin ; Dynamiques spatio-temporelles ; Stabilité(s) des écosystèmes ; Secondaire : Avifaune


Réseaux sociaux
jerome.fournier [at] mnhn.fr

Bâtiment 135

43 rue Buffon

75005 Paris

Responsabilités dans l'unité

Correspondant formation CNRS

Secouriste CNRS

Bagueur formateur CRBPO

Organisation de missions de terrain en milieux isolés et/ou extrêmes CNRS/MNHN

Responsabilités hors unité

Chef de plongée scientifique CNRS

Certificat d'aptitude à l'hyperbarie INPP

Expert plongée polaire TAAF/IPEV

Titulaire de dérogation de capture de tous oiseaux à buts scientifiques en France MNHN/CNRS

Concepteur de procédures expérimentales utilisant des animaux à des fins scientifiques MNHN/CNRS



Publications depuis 2008

Fournier-Sowinski J., Thibault M., Ravache A., Do Rosario V., Dufresne J.L., Jiguet F., Le Bohec C., Identification of wintering areas in the North Pacific and migratory routes of Wilson's Storm Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) populations from Adelie Land (Antarctic), in preparation.

Clement R., Marzloff M.P., Nunes F.L.D., Rousseau C., Becheler R., Bajjouk T., Fournier-Sowinski J., Cugier P., Discordance in hydrodynamic and genetic connectivity reflects multiple mechanisms in the reproduction and dispersal of the eelgrass Zostera marina Linnaeus 1753., in preparation.

Curd A., Bellan G., Cordier C., Desroy N., Dubois S.F., Faget D., Fournier-Sowinski J., Hawkins S.J., Kerckhof F., Nunes F.L.D., Reise K., Firth L.B., From pest to protected: the shifting contributions of temperate worm reefs to people, in preparation.

Vijayaraj V., Bajjouk T., Fournier-Sowinski J., Lacoste E., Rollet C., Ouisse V., Desroy N., Ecological indicators for seagrass meadow status: Adopting efficiency of space occupancy as a reference, submitted, 2024.

Iglésias S., Fournier-Sowinski J., Contribution to the natural history of the Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis) from an illustrated 18th-century manuscript, Archives of Natural History accepted, 2024.

Chambon R., Paillisson J.M., Fournier-Sowinski J., Dugravot S., Agricultural habitat use and selection by a sedentary bird over the annual life cycle in a depredation context, Movement Ecology 26, 2024. 10.1186/s40462-024-00462-0

Muller A., Dubois S.F., Boyé A., Becheler R., Droual G., Chevalier M., Pasquier M., Roudaut L., Fournier-Sowinski J., Auby I., Nunes F.L.D., Environmental filtering and biotic interactions act on different facets of the diversity of benthic assemblages associated with eelgrass, Ecology and Evolution 13(11), e10159, 2023. 10.1002/ece3.10159

Poirier C., Caline B., Fournier J., Tessier B., Historical changes in mollusc communities of a temperate chenier ridge system (Mont-Saint-Michel, France), The Geological Society, London, Special Publication “Conservation paleobiology of marine ecosystems: concepts and applications” 529(1), 2022. 10.1144/SP529-2022-73

Houstin A., Zitterbart D.P., Winterl A., Richter S., Planas-Bielsa V., Chevallier D., Ancel A., Fournier J., Fabry B., Le Bohec C., Biologging of emperor penguins – attachment techniques and associated deployment performance, PLoS ONE 17(8): e0265849, 2022. 10.1371/journal.pone.0265849

Becker-Kerber B., Scalise Horodyski R., del Mouro L., Sedorko D., Lehn I., Ferreira Sanchez D., Fournier J., Mazurier A., El Albani A., Devonian agglutinated polychaete tubes: all in all it's just another brick in the wall, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288, 20211143, 2021. 10.1098/rspb.2021.1143

Jones A.G., Dubois S.F., Desroy N., Fournier J., Intertidal ecosystem engineer species promote benthic-pelagic coupling and diversify trophic pathways, Marine Ecology - Progress Series 660, 119-139, 2021. 10.3354/meps13600

Jones A.G., Denis L., Fournier J., Desroy N., Duong G., Dubois S.F., Linking multiple facets of biodiversity and ecosystem functions in a coastal engineered habitat, Marine Environmental Research 126, 105092, 2020. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105092

Le Mao P., Godet L., Fournier J., Desroy N., Gentil F., Thiébaut E., Atlas de la faune marine invertébrée du Golfe Normano-Breton. 7 volumes (vol. 1 ; vol. 2 ; vol. 3 ; vol. 4 ; vol. 5 ; vol. 6 ; vol. 7), Editions de la Station Biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff, 1281 p, 2019. ISBN : 97829518

de los Santos C.B., Krause-Jensen D., Alcoverro T., Marbà N., Duarte C.M., van Katwijk M., Pérez M., Romero J., Sánchez-Lizaso L., Roca G., Jankowska E., Pérez-Lloréns J.L., Fournier J., Montefalcone M., Pergent G., Ruiz J.M., Cabaço S., Cook K., Wilkes R., Frithjof M., Muñoz-Ramos Trayter G., Seglar Arañó X., de Jong D.J., Fernández-Torquemada Y., Auby I., Vergara J.J., Santos R., Recent trend reversal for declining European seagrass meadows, Nature Communications 10:3356, 2019. 10.1038/s41467-019-11340-4

Michel L., Danis B., Dubois P., Eléaume M., Fournier J., Gallut C., Jane P., Lepoint G., Increased sea ice cover alters food web structure in East Antarctica, Nature Scientific Reports 9(1), 8062, 2019. 10.1038/s41598-019-44605-5

Pons J.M., Cibois A., Fournier J., Thibault J.C., Olioso G. Fuchs J., Gene flow and genetic divergence among mainland and insular populations across the south-western range of the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris, Aves), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126(3), p 447-461, 2019. 10.1093/biolinnean/bly200

Tessier B., Poirier C., Weill P., Dezileau L., Rieux A., Mouazé D., Fournier J., Bonnot-Courtois C., Evolution of a shelly beach ridge system over the last decades in a hypertidal open-coast embayment (western Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, NW France), Journal of Coastal Research SI(88), p 77-88, 2019. 10.2112/SI88-007.1

Bourriquen M., Mercier D., Baltzer A., Fournier J., Costa S., Roussel E., Paraglacial coasts responses to glacier retreat and associated shifts in river floodplains over decadal timescales (1966-2016), Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Land Degradation and Development 29(11), p 4173-4185, 2018. 10.1002/ldr.3149

Charles M., Failletaz R., Desroy N., Fournier J., Costil K., Distribution, associated species and extent of biofouling 'reefs' formed by the alien species Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Annelida, Polychaeta) in marinas, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 212, p 164-175, 2018. 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.07.007

Gaudin F., Desroy N., Dubois S., Broudin C., Cabioch L., Fournier J., Gentil F., Grall J., Houbin C., Le Mao P., Thiébaut E. Marine sublittoral benthos fails to track temperature in response to climate change in a biogeographical transition zone, ICES Journal of Marine Science 75(6), p 1894-1907, 2018. 10.1093/icesjms/fsy095

Buffet J.-P., Corre E., Duvernois-Berthet E., Fournier J., Lopez P.-J., Adhesive gland transcriptomics uncovers a diversity of genes involved in glue formation in marine tube-building polychaetes, Acta Biomaterialia 72, p 316-328, 2018. 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.03.037

Godet L., Harmange C., Marquet M., Joyeux E., Fournier J., Differences in home-ranges sizes of a bird species in its original, refuge and substitution habitats: challenges to conservation in anthropogenic habitats, Biodiversity and Conservation 27(3), p 719-732, 2018. 10.1007/s10531-017-1460-3

Jones A., Dubois S., Desroy N., Fournier J., Interplay between abiotic factors and species assemblages mediated by the ecosystem engineer Sabellaria alveolata (Annelida: Polychaeta), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 200, p 1-18, 2018. 10.1016/j.ecss.2017.10.001

Soissons L., Haanstra E.P., Van Katwijk M.M., Brun F.G., Peralta G., Cardoso P.G., Grilo T.F., Ondiviela B., Recio M., Valle M., Garmendia J.-M., Ganthy F., Auby I., Rigouin L., Godet L., Fournier J., Desroy N., Barillé L., Kadel P., Asmus R., Herman P.M., Bouma T.J., Latitudinal patterns in European seagrass carbon reserves: Influence of seasonal fluctuations versus short-term stress and disturbance events, Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 88, 2018. 10.3389/fpls.2018.00088

Baltzer A., Reynaud M., Ehrhold A., Fournier J., Cordier C., Clouet H., Space-time evolution of a large field of pockmarks in the Bay of Concarneau (NW Brittany), Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 188, p 23, 2017. 10.1051/bsgf/2017191

Soissons L., Van Katwijk M.M., Brun F.G., Peralta G., Cardoso P.G., Grilo T.F., Ondiviela B., Recio M., Valle M., Garmendia J.-M., Ganthy F., Auby I., Rigouin L., Godet L., Fournier J., Desroy N., Barillé L., Kadel P., Asmus R., Herman P.M., Bouma T.J., Seasonal and latitudinal variation in seagrass mechanical traits across Europe: the influence of local nutrient status and morphometric plasticity, Limnology and Oceanography 63, p 37-46, 2017. 10.1002/lno.10611

Nunes F.L.D., Van Wormhoudt A., Faroni Perez L., Fournier J., Phylogeography of the reef-building polychaetes of the genus Phragmatopoma in the Western Atlantic Region, Journal of Biogeography 44(7), p 1612-1625, 2017. 10.1111/jbi.12938

Bourriquen M., Baltzer A., Mercier D., Fournier J., Pérez L., Haquin S., Bernard E., Jensen M., Coastal evolution and sedimentary mobility of Brøgger Peninsula, North-west Spitsbergen, Polar Biology 39(10), p 1689-1698, 2016. 10.1007/s00300-016-1930-1

Godet L., Devictor V., Burel F., Robin J.G., Ménanteau L., Fournier J., Extreme landscapes decrease taxonomic and functional bird diversity but promote the presence of rare species, Acta Ornithologica 51(1), p 23-38, 2016. 10.3161/00016454AO2016.51.1.003

Van Tussenbroek B.I., Soissons L., Bouma T.J., Asmus R., Auby I., Brun F.G., Cardoso P.G., Desroy N., Fournier J., Ganthy F., Garmendia J.M., Godet L., Grilo T.F., Kadel P., Ondiviela B., Peralta G., Recio M., Valle M., Van der Heide T., Van Katwijk M.M., Pollen limitation may be a common Allee effect in marine hydrophilous plants: implications for decline and recovery in seagrasses, Oecologia 182(2), p 595-609, 2016. 10.1007/s00442-016-3665-7

Fournier J., Corbeau A., Le Mao P., Morpho-sedimentology of natural coastal sites colonized by the Sand Martin (Riparia riparia), Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) 71(1), p 68-81, 2016.

Ponsero A., Sturbois A., Desroy N., Le Mao P., Jones A., Fournier J., How do macrobenthic resources concentrate foraging waders in large megatidal sandflats?, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 178, p 120-128, 2016. 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.023

Baltzer A., Mokeddem Z., Goubert E., Lartaud F., Labourdette N., Fournier J., Bourillet J.F., The "Turritella Layer": a potential proxy of a drastic Holocene environmental change on the North-East Atlantic Coast, Chapter 1, in - Sediment Fluxes on Coastal Areas -, eds. M. Maanan & M. Robin, Springer Netherlands, Coastal Research Library vol. 10, Dordrecht, p 3-21, 2015.

De Smet B., Fournier J., De Troch M., Vincx M., Vanaverbeke J., Integrating ecosystem engineering and food web ecology: testing the effect of biogenic reefs on the sandy beach food web, PLoS ONE 10(10), e0140857, 2015. 10.1371/journal.pone.0140857

De Smet B., D'Hondt A.S., Verhelst P., Fournier J., Godet L., Desroy N., Rabaut M., Vincx M., Vanaverbeke J., Biogenic reefs affecting multiple components of intertidal soft-bottom benthic assemblages: the Lanice conchilega case study, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 152, p 44-55, 2015. 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.002

Godet L., Marquet M., Eybert M.C., Grégoire E., Monnet S., Fournier J., Bluethroats Luscinia svecica namnetum offset landscape constraints by expanding their home range, Journal of Ornithology 156, p 591-600, 2015. 10.1007/s10336-015-1172-y

Pons J.M., Thibault J.C., Fournier J., Olioso G., Rakovic M., Tellini Florenzano G., Fuchs J., Genetic variation among Corsican and continental populations of the Eurasian treecreeper (Aves: Certhia familiaris) reveals the existence of a palaeoendemic mitochondrial lineage, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115, p 134-153, 2015. 10.1111/bij.12485

Sturbois A., Ponsero A., Desroy N., Le Mao P., Fournier J., Exploitation of intertidal feeding ressources by the Redknot Calidris canutus islandica under megatidal conditions, Journal of Sea Research 96, p 23-30, 2015. 10.1016/j.seares.2014.11.001

Fournier J., Gallon R., Paris R., G2Sd: a new R package producing statistics on the distribution of unconsolidated sediments, Géomorphologie, relief, processus, environnement 14(1), p 73-78, 2014. 10.4000/geomorphologie.10513

Fournier J., Bonnot-Courtois C., Paris R., Le Vot M., Analyses granulométriques, principes et méthodes, CNRS, Dinard, 99 p, 2013. RG

De Smet B., Godet L., Fournier J., Desroy N., Jaffré M., Vincx M., Rabaut M., Feeding grounds for waders in the Bay of the Mont-Saint-Michel (France): Lanice conchilega serves as an oasis in the tidal flats, Marine Biology 160(4), p 751-761, 2013. 10.1007/s00227-012-2130-3

Paris R., Nandasena N.A.K., Fournier J., Reconstructing tsunami run-up from the characteristics of tsunami deposits on the Thai Andaman Coast, Coastal Engineering 61(1), p 53-55, 2012. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2011.11.009

Cassen S., Baltzer A., Lorin A., Fournier J., Sellier D., Submarine Neolithic stone rows near Carnac (Morbihan), France: preliminary results from acoustic and underwater survey, in - Submerged Prehistory -, eds. J. Benjamin, C. Bonsall, C. Pickard & A. Fischer, Oxbow Books, Oxford, p 99-110, 2011.

Desroy N., Dubois S., Fournier J., Ricquiers L., Le Mao P., Guérin L., Gerla D., Rougerie M., Legendre A., The conservation status of Sabellaria alveolata (L.) (PolychaetaSabellariidae) reefs in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21(5), p 462-471, 2011. 10.1002/aqc.1206

Godet L., Fournier J., Jaffré M., Desroy N., Influence of stability and fragmentation of a worm-reef on benthic macrofauna, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92(3), p 472-479, 2011. 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.02.003

Le Cam J.B., Fournier J., Etienne S., Couden J., The strength of biogenic sand reefs: visco-elastic behaviour of cement secreted by the tube building polychaete Sabellaria alveolata, Linnaeus, 1767, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 91(2), p 333-339, 2011. 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.10.036

Sordo L.N., Fournier J., Oliveira V.M., Gern F., Panizza A., Lana P.C., Temporal variations in morphology and biomass of vulnerable Halodule wrightii meadows at their southernmost distribution limit in the southwestern Atlantic, Botanica Marina 54(1), p 13-21, 2011. 10.1515/BOT.2011.007

Fournier J., Baltzer A., Godet L., Panizza A., Acoustic imagery for benthic habitats mapping and monitoring, Chapter 5, in - Geomatic solutions for coastal environments -, eds. M. Maanan & M. Robin, Series Environmental Science, Engineering and Technology, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New-York, p 141-161, 2010.

Callaway R., Desroy N., Dubois S., Fournier J., Frost M., Godet L., Hendrick V., Rabaut M., Ephemeral bio-engineers or reef builders: how stable are aggregations of the tube worm Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766)?, Integrative and Comparative Biology 50(2), p 237-250, 2010. 10.1093/icb/icq060

Fournier J., Etienne S., Le Cam J.B., Inter- and intraspecific variability in the chemical composition of the mineral phase of cements from several tube-building polychaetes, Geobios 43(2), p 191-200, 2010. 10.1016/j.geobios.2009.10.004

Noernberg M., Fournier J., Dubois S., Populus J., Using airborne laser altimetry to estimate Sabellaria alveolata (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) reefs volume in tidal flat environment, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 90(2), p 93-102, 2010. 10.1016/j.ecss.2010.07.014

Paris R., Cachão M., Fournier J., Voldoire O., Nannoliths abundance and distribution in tsunami deposits: example from the December 26, 2004 tsunami in Lhok Nga (northwest Sumatra, Indonesia), Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 10(01), p 109-118, 2010. 10.4000/geomorphologie.7865

Paris R., Fournier J., Poizot E., Etienne S., Morin J., Lavigne F., Wassmer P., Boulder and fine sediment transport and deposition by the 2004 tsunami in Lhok Nga (western Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia): a coupled offshore-onshore model, Marine Geology 268, p 43-54, 2010. 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.10.011

Godet L., Fournier J., Toupoint N., Olivier F., Mapping and monitoring intertidal benthic habitats: a review of techniques and proposal of a new visual methodology for the European coasts, Progress in Physical Geography 33(3), p 378-402, 2009. 10.1177/0309133309342650

Godet L., Toupoint N., Fournier J., Le Mao P., Retière C., Olivier F., Clams farmers and oystercatchers: Effects of the degradation of Lanice conchilega beds on the spatial distribution of shorebirds, Marine Pollution Bulletin 58(4), p 589-595, 2009. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.11.001

Godet L., Fournier J., van Katwijk M., Olivier F., Le Mao P., Retière C., Before and after wasting disease in common eelgrass Zostera marina along the French Atlantic coasts: a general overview and first accurate mapping, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 79(3), p 249-255, 2008. 10.3354/dao01897

Godet L., Toupoint N., Olivier F., Fournier J., Retière C., Considering the functional value of common marine species as a conservation stake. The case of the sandmason worm Lanice conchilega (Annelid polychaeta, Pallas 1766) beds, Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment 37(5), p 347-355, 2008. https://www.jstor.org/stable/25547915

Toupoint N., Godet L., Fournier J., Retière C., Olivier F., Does Manila Clam cultivation affect habitats of the engineer species Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766)?, Marine Pollution Bulletin 56(8), p 1429-1438, 2008. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.04.046





Terrains de recherche

Arctique, Antarctique, Sub-antarctique, Europe O, Atlantique NE, Pacifique