Entité de rattachement
Conservation et restauration des populations
Thème interdisciplinaire de recherche
Écologie de la conservation - Viabilité et dynamiques des (méta)populations - Indicateurs de biodiversité - Applications opérationnelles de la recherche scientifique - Enjeux des relations biodiversité/sociétés
Translocations de conservation / Variables de Biodiversité Essentielles / Emboitement des réponses écologiques à différentes échelles


Réseaux sociaux
jean-baptiste.mihoub [at] mnhn.fr

61 rue Buffon
75005 Paris

Responsabilités hors unité

Co-responsable Master Biodiversité, Écologie, Évolution (BEE), parcours "Écologie de la Conservation et Ingénierie écologique: Recherche et Expertise" (ECIRE) à Sorbonne Université

Membre du conseil scientifique et technique de l’Evaluation Française des Services Écosystémiques (EFESE)

Membre du comité de pilotage de 3 Plans Nationaux d’Actions en faveur d’espèces protégées (Vautour moine ; Gypaète barbu et Faucon crécerellette)

Membre du Group on Earth Observation – Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO-BON), notamment via les activités du French BON




Liste des publications dans des revues à comité de lecture

  1. Lorand C., Robert A., Gastineau A., Mihoub J.B. & Bessa-Gomes C. 2022. Effectiveness of interventions for managing human-large carnivore conflictsworldwide: Scare them off, don't remove them. Science of the Total Environment 838 -156195

  2. Duchenne F., Porcher E., Mihoub J.B., Loïs G. & Fontaine C. 2022. Controversy over the decline of arthropods: a matter of temporal baseline? Peer Community Journal in Ecology doi.org/10.24072/pcjournal.131

  3. Rousteau T., Duriez O., Pradel R., Sarrazin F., David T., Henriquet S., Tessier C. & Mihoub J.B. 2022. High long-term survival and asymmetric movements in a reintroduced metapopulation of Cinereous vultures. Ecosphere doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3862

  4. Louvet A., Machon N., Mihoub J.B. & Robert A. 2021. Detecting seed bank influence on plant metapopulation dynamicsMethods in Ecology and Evolution doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13547

  5. Duriez O., Margalida A., Albert L., Arroyo B., Couanon, V. Loustau H., Razin M. & Mihoub J.B. 2020. Tolerance of Bearded Vultures to Human Activities: Response to Comor et al. (2019). Human–Wildlife Interactions doi.org/10.26077/6652-5b85

  6. Cazalis V., Princé K. Mihoub J.B., Kelly J., Butchart S.H.M., Rodrigues A.S.L. 2020. Effectiveness of protected areas in conserving tropical forest birds. Nature Communications doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-18230-0 

  7. Chiacchio M., Grimm-Seyfarth A., Henle K. &. Mihoub J.B. 2020. Water availability as a major climatic driver of taxonomic and functional diversity in a desert reptile community. Ecosphere 11(7):e03190.10.1002/ecs2.3190

  8. Grimm-Seyfarth A., Mihoub J.B. & Henle K. 2019. Functional traits determine the different effects of prey, predators and climatic extremes on desert reptiles. Ecosphere 10(9):e02865. 10.1002/ecs2.2865

  9. Radchuk V., Reed T., Teplitsky C., van de Pol M., Charmantier A., Hassall C., Adamík P., Adriaensen F., Ahola M.P., Arcese P., Avilés J.M., Balbontin J., Berg K.S., Borras A., Burthe S., Clobert J., Dehnhard N., de Lope F., Dhondt A.A., Dingemanse N.J., Doi H., Eeva T., Fickel J., Filella I., Fossøy F., Goodenough A.E., Hall S.J.G., Hansson B., Harris M., Hasselquist D., Hickler T., Joshi J., Kharouba H., Martínez J.G., Mihoub J.B., Mills J.A., Molina-Morales M., Moksnes A., Ozgul A., Parejo D., Pilard P., Poisbleau M., Rousset F., Rödel M.A., Scott D., Senar J.C., Stefanescu C., Stokke B.G., Kusano T., Tarka M., Tarwater C.E., Thonicke K., Thorley J., Wilting A., Tryjanowski P., Merilä J., Sheldon B.C., Møller A.P., Matthysen E., Janzen F, Dobson F.S., Visser M.E., Beissinger S.R., Courtiol A. & S. Kramer-Schadt. 2019. Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient. Nature Communications doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10924-4

  10. Gastineau A., Robert A., Sarrazin F., Mihoub J.B. & P.Y. Quenette. 2019. Spatiotemporal depredation hotspots of brown bears, Ursus arctos, on livestock in the Pyrenees, France. Biological Conservation doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108210

  11. Grimm-Seyfarth A., Mihoub J.B., Gruber B. & Henle K. 2018. Some like it hot: from individual to population responses of an arboreal aridzone gecko to local and distant climate. Ecological Monographs doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1301

  12. Kissling W.D., Ahumada J.A., Bowser A., Fernandez M., Fernández N., Alonso García E., Guralnick R.P., Isaac N.J.B., Kelling S., Los W., McRae L., Mihoub J.B., Obst M., Santamaria M., Skidmore A.K., Williams K.J., Agosti D., Amariles D., Arvanitidis C., Bastin L., De Leo F., Egloff W., Elith J., Hobern D., Martin D, Pereira H.M., Pesole G., Peterseil J., Saarenmaa H., Schigel D., Schmeller D.S., Segata N., Turak E., Uhlir P.F., Wee B. & Hardisty A.R. 2018. Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution and abundance at a global scale. Biological Reviews 93: 600-625

  13. Lin Y.P., Lin W.C., Anthony J., Ding T.S., Mihoub J.B., Henle K. & Schmeller D.S. 2018. Assessing uncertainty and performance of ensemble conservation planning strategies. Landscape and Urban Planning 169 : 57-69

  14. Schmeller D.S., Weatherdon L.V., Loyau, Bondeau A., Brotons L., Brummitt N., Geijzendorffer I.R., Haase P., Kuemmerlen M., Martin C., Mihoub J.B., Rocchini D., Saarenmaa H., Stoll S. & Regan E. 2018. A suite of essential biodiversity variables for detecting critical biodiversity change. Biological Reviews 93: 55-71

  15. David R., Féral J., Archambeau A., Arnaud F., Auber D., Bailly N., Bernard L., Berti-Equille L., Blanpain C., Breton V., Chenuil-Maurel A., Cohen Nabeiro A., Dias A., Delavaud A., Goffaud R., Gachet S., Gibert K., Herrera Fernandez M., Hogie L., Ienco D., Julliard R., Le Bras Y., Lecubin J., Legre Y., Leydet M., Loïs G., Madon B., Marchal F., Mendez Munoz V., Meunier J., Mihoub J.B., Mougenot I., Pamerlon S., Peletier E., Romier G., Roux-Michollet D., Specht A., Surace C., Raynal J. & Tatoni T. 2017. IndexMEED cases studies using "Omics" data with graph theory. Proceedings of TDWG 1: e20740

  16. Grimm-Seyfarth A., Mihoub J.B. & Henle K. 2017. Too hot to die? The effects of vegetation shading on past, present, and future activity budgets of two diurnal skinks from arid Australia. Ecology and Evolution 7: 6803-6813

  17. Mihoub J.B., Henle K., Brummitt N., Brotons L., Titeux N. & Schmeller D.S. 2017. Setting temporal baselines for biodiversity: the limits of available monitoring data for capturing the full impact of anthropogenic pressures. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/srep41591

  18. Schmeller D.S., Böhm M., Arvanitidis C., Barber-Meyer S., Brummitt N., Chandler M., Chatzinikolaou E., Costello M.J., Hui D., Garcia-Moreno J., Gill M., Haase P., Jones M., Julliard R., William E. Magnusson W.E., Martin C.S., McGeoch M., Mihoub J.B., Pettorelli N., Proença V., Peng C., Regan E.C., Schmiedel U., Simaika J.P., Weatherdon L.V., Waterman C., Xu H. & Belnap J. 2017. Building capacity in biodiversity monitoring at the global scale. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 2765-2790

  19. Schmeller D.S., Mihoub J.B., Bowser A., Arvanitidis C., Costello M.J., Fernandez M., Geller G.N., Hobern D., Kissling W.D., Regan E.C., Saarenmaa H., Turak E. & Isaac N.J.B. 2017. An operational definition of essential biodiversity variablesBiodiversity and Conservation 26: 2967-2972

  20. Titeux N., Henle K., Mihoub J.B., Regos A., Geijzendorffer I.R., Cramer W., Verburg P.H. & Brotons L. 2017. Global scenarios for biodiversity need to better integrate climate and land use change. Diversity and Distributions 23: 1231–1234

  21. Turak E., Brazill-Boast J., Cooney T., Drielsma M., DelaCruz J., Dunkerley G., Fernandez M., Ferrier S., Gill M., Jones H., Koen T., Leys J., McGeoch M., Mihoub J.B., Scanes P., Schmeller D.S. & Williams K. 2016. Using the essential biodiversity variables framework to measure biodiversity change at national scale. Biological Conservation 213: 264-271

  22. Geijzendorffer I.R., Regan E., Pereira H.M., Brotons L., Brummitt N., Gavish Y., Haase P., Martin C.S., Mihoub J.B., Secades C., Schmeller D.S., Stoll S., Wetzel F.T. & Walters M. 2016. Bridging the gap between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs: An Essential Biodiversity Variables perspective. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 1341–1350

  23. Titeux N., Henle K., Mihoub J.B., Regos A., Geijzendorffer I.R., Cramer W., Verburg P.H. & Brotons L. 2016. Biodiversity scenarios neglect future land-use changes. Global Change Biology 22: 2505–2515

  24. Titeux N., Henle K., Mihoub J.B. & Brotons L. 2016. Climate change distracts us from other threats to biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14: 291

  25. Urban M. C., Bocedi G., Hendry A.P., Mihoub J.B., Pe'er G., Singer A., Bridle J.R., Crozier L.G., De Meester L., Godsoe W., Gonzalez A., Hellmann J.J., Holt R.D., Huth A., Johst K., Krug C.B., Leadley P.W., Palmer S.C.F., Pantel J.H., Schmitz A., Zollner P.A. & Travis J.M.J. 2016. Improving the forecast for biodiversity under climate change. Science doi/ 10.1126/science.aad8466

  26. Grimm A., Weiß B. M., Kulik L., Mihoub J.B., Mundry R., Koppen U., Brueckmann T., Thomsen R. & Widdig A. 2015. Earlier breeding, lower success: does the spatial scale of climatic conditions matter in a migratory passerine bird? Ecology and Evolution 5: 5722–5734

  27. Lampa S., Mihoub J.B., Gruber B., Klenke R. & Henle K. 2015. Non-invasive genetic mark-recapture as a means to study population sizes and marking behaviour of the elusive Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). PLOS One 10(5):e0125684

  28. Robert A., Colas B., Guigon I., Kerbiriou C., Mihoub J.B., Saint-Jalme M. & Sarrazin F. 2015. Defining reintroduction success using IUCN criteria for threatened species. A demographic assessment. Animal Conservation 18: 397–406

  29. Robert A., Colas B., Guigon I., Kerbiriou C., Mihoub J.B., Saint-Jalme M. & Sarrazin F. 2015. Reintroducing reintroductions into the conservation arena. Animal Conservation 18: 413 – 414

  30. Schmeller D.S., Julliard R., Bellingham P.J., Böhm M., Brummitt N., Chiarucci A., Couvet D., Elmendorf S., Forsyth D.M., García Moreno J., Gregory R.D., Magnusson W.E., Martin L.J., Mc Geoch M.A, Mihoub J.B., Pereira H.M., Proença V., van Swaay C.A.M., Yahara T. & Belnap J. 2015. Developing a global terrestrial species monitoring program. Journal for Nature Conservation 25 : 51-57

  31. Pe'er G., Mihoub J.B., Dislich C. & Matsinos Y. G.. 2014. Towards a different attitude to uncertainty. Nature Conservation 8:95-114

  32. Mihoub J.B., Princé K., Duriez O., Lecuyer P., Eliotout B. & Sarrazin F. 2014. Comparing release method effects on survival of the European black vulture Aegypius monachus reintroduced in France. Oryx 48:106-115

  33. Mihoub J.B., Jiguet F., Lecuyer P., Eliotout B. & Sarrazin F. 2014. Modeling nesting site suitability in a population of reintroduced European black vulture Aegypius monachus in the Grands Causses. France. Oryx 48:116-124

  34. Mihoub J.B., Mouawad N. G., Pilard P., Jiguet F., Low M. & Teplitsky C. 2012. Impact of temperature on the breeding performance and selection patterns in Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni. Journal of Avian Biology 43:472-480

  35. Dupont H., Mihoub J.B., Bobbe S.& Sarrazin F. 2012. Modelling the consequences of farmer’s carcass disposal practices on scavengers’ ecological service. Journal of Applied Ecology 49:404-411

  36. Mihoub J.B., Le Gouar P., Robert A. & Sarrazin F. 2011. Post-release dispersal in translocation attempts: social attraction and the “vacuum effect”. PloS ONE 6(12):e27453. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027453

  37. Dupont H., Mihoub J.B., Becu N. & Sarrazin F. 2011. Modelling interactions between scavenger behaviour and farming practices: impacts on scavenger population and ecosystem service efficiency. Ecological Modelling 222:982-992

  38. Mihoub J.B., Gimenez O., Pilard P.& Sarrazin F. 2010. Challenging conservation of migratory species: Sahelian rainfalls drive first-year survival of Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni). Biological Conservation 143 : 839-847

  39. Mihoub J.B., Le Gouar P. & Sarrazin F. 2009. Breeding habitat selection behaviors in heterogeneous environments: Implications for modeling reintroduction. Oïkos 118: 663-674


Chapitres d’ouvrage

40. Le Gouar P., Mihoub J.B. & Sarrazin F. 2011. Dispersal and habitat selection: behavioural and spatial constraints for animal translocations. Reintroduction Biology: Integrating Science and Management, J.G. Ewen, D.P. Armstrong K.A. Parker & P.J. Seddon (Eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, U.K.