La liste de mes publications, avec le texte intégral, est disponible sur HAL.
- Porcher, E. and M. Gatto. 2000. Quantifying the dynamics of prion infection: a bifurcation analysis of Laurent’s model. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 205:283-296.
- Porcher, E, O Tenaillon and B Godelle. 2001. From metabolism to polymorphism in bacterial populations: a theoretical study. Evolution. 55:2181-2193.
- Lavigne, C, X Reboud, M Lefranc, E Porcher, F Roux, I Olivieri and B Godelle. 2001. Dynamic management of genetic resources in metapopulations: Arabidopsis thaliana as an experimental model. Genetics Selection Evolution. 33: S399-S423.
- Porcher, E, P-H Gouyon and C Lavigne. 2004. Dynamic management of genetic resources; maintenance of outcrossing in experimental metapopulations of a predominantly inbreeding species. Conservation Genetics. 5:259-269.
- Porcher, E, T Giraud, I Goldringer and C Lavigne. 2004. Experimental demonstration of a causal relationship between heterogeneity of selection and genetic differentiation at quantitative traits. Evolution. 58:1434-1445.
- Porcher, E and R Lande. 2005. Loss of gametophytic self-incompatibility with joint evolution of inbreeding depression. Evolution. 59:46-60.
- Porcher, E and R Lande. 2005. Reproductive compensation in the evolution of plant mating systems. New Phytologist. 166:673-684.
- Porcher, E and R Lande. 2005. The evolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression under pollen limitation and pollen discounting. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 18:497-508.
- Lopez, M, B Genton, E Porcher and J Shykoff. 2005. The role of pollination intensity on the reproduction of females and hermaphrodites in the gynodioecious plant Gypsophila repens (Caryophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany.
- Noel, F, E Porcher, J Moret and N Machon. 2006. Connectivity, habitat heterogeneity, and population persistence in Ranunculus nodiflorus L., an endangered species in France. New Phytologist. 169:71-84.
- Porcher, E, T Giraud and C Lavigne. 2006. Differentiation at neutral markers and quantitative traits in subdivided populations: confronting theory and experiments with Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetical Research. 87:1-12.
- Noel, F, E Porcher, MC Boisselier and N Machon. 2007. No genetic diversity at molecular markers and strong phenotypic plasticity in populations of Ranunculus nodiflorus L., an endangered plant species in France. Annals of Botany. 99:1203-1212.
- Muratet, A, N Machon, F Jiguet, J Moret and E Porcher. 2007. Urban structures affect floristic diversity in wastelands. Ecosystems. 10:661-671.
- Le Viol I, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou, N Machon, L De Redon, N Carnino, E Porcher. 2008. Plant and spider communities benefit differently from the presence of planted hedgerows in highway verges. Biological Conservation. 141:1581-1590.
- Abadie, JC, C Andrade, N Machon and E Porcher. 2008. On the monitoring of plant diversity by unskilled volunteers: a case study in a human-dominated landscape. Biodiversity and Conservation. 17:3485–3500.
- Muratet, A, E Porcher, V Devictor, G Arnal, J Moret, S Wright and N Machon. 2008. Evaluation of floristic diversity in urban areas as a basis for habitat management. Applied Vegetation Science. 11:451-460.
- MO, E Porcher, JK Kelly, PO Cheptou, CG Eckert, E Elle, MA Geber, C Goodwillie, S Kalisz, DA Moeller, RH Ree, RD Sargent, M Vallejo-Marín, and AA Winn. 2009. Correlations among fertility components can maintain mixed mating in plants. American Naturalist. 173:1–11.
- Porcher E, JK Kelly, PO Cheptou, CG Eckert, MO Johnston, and S Kalisz. 2009. The genetic consequences of fluctuating inbreeding depression and the evolution of plant selfing rates. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22:708-717.
- Kerbiriou, C, I Le Viol, A Robert, E Porcher, F Gourmelon and R Julliard. 2009. Tourism in protected areas can threaten wild populations: from individual response to population viability of the chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax). Journal of Applied Ecology. 46:657-665.
- Muratet, A, E Porcher, JC Abadie, L Poncet, J Moret, A Robert. 2009. Use of extensive habitat inventories in biodiversity studies. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18: 3115–3125.
- Johannes, F, E Porcher, F Teixeira, V Saliba-Colombani, M Simon, N Agier, A Bulski, J Albuisson, F Heredia, P Audigier, D Bouchez, C Dillmann, P Guerche, F Hospital, V Colot. 2009. Assessing the impact of transgenerational epigenetic variation on complex traits. PLoS Genetics. 5(6). (“Research highlights” in Nature Reviews Genetics. 10: 511)
- Eckert, CG, S Kalisz, MA Geber, RD Sargent, E Elle, PO Cheptou, C Goodwillie, MO Johnston, JK Kelly, DA Moeller, E Porcher, RH Ree, M Vallejo-Marín, AA Winn. 2010. Plant mating systems in a changing world. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 25: 35-43.
- Henle, K,W Kunin, O Schweiger, DS Schmeller, V Grobelnik, Y Matsinos, J Pantis, L Penev, SG Potts, I Ring, J Similä, J Tzanopoulos, S van den Hove, M Baguette, J Clobert, L Excoffier, E Framstad,M Grodzinska-Jurczak, S Lengyel, P Marty, A Moilanen, E Porcher, D Storch, I Steffan-Dewenter, MT Sykes, M Zobel, J Settele. 2010. Securing the Conservation of Biodiversity across Administrative Levels and Spatial, Temporal, and Ecological Scales – Research Needs and Approaches of the SCALES Project. Gaia. 19: 187-193.
- Giraud, C, R Julliard and E Porcher. 2013. Delimiting synchronous populations from monitoring data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 20: 337-352.
- Maurel, N, M Fujiyoshi, A Muratet, E Porcher, E Motard, O Gargominy, N Machon. 2013. Biogeographic comparisons of herbivore attack, growth and impact of Japanese knotweed between Japan and France. Journal of Ecology. 101:118-127.
- Coron, C, S Méléard, E Porcher, A. Robert. 2013. Quantifying the mutational meltdown in diploid populations. American Naturalist. 181(5): 623-636.
- Chateil, C, I Goldringer, L Tarallo, C Kerbiriou, I Le Viol, JF Ponge, S Salmon, S Gachet, E Porcher. 2013. Crop genetic diversity benefits farmland biodiversity in cultivated fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 171:25-32.
- Porcher, E and R Lande. 2013. Evaluating a simple approximation to modeling the joint evolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression. Evolution. 67(12): 3628-3635.
- Clavel, J, N Poulet, E Porcher, S Blanchet, G Grenouillet, S Pavoine, A Biton, N Seon-Massin, C Argillier, M Daufresne, P Teillac-Deschamp, R Julliard. 2013. A new freshwater biodiversity indicator based on fish community assemblages. PLoS One, 8(11): e80968.
- Devaux, C, C Lepers, E Porcher. 2014. Constraints imposed by pollinator behaviour on the ecology and evolution of plant mating systems. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27(7):1413-1430.
- Devaux, C, R Lande, E Porcher. 2014. Pollination ecology and inbreeding depression control individual flowering phenologies and mixed mating. Evolution, 68(11): 3051–3065.
- Chateil, C and E Porcher. 2015. Landscape features are a better correlate of wild plant pollination than agricultural practices in an intensive cropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 201: 51-57.
- Lande R and E Porcher. 2015. Maintenance of quantitative genetic variance under partial self-fertilization, with implications for evolution of selfing. Genetics, 200(3): 891-906.
- Porcher E and R Lande. 2016. Inbreeding depression under mixed outcrossing, self-fertilization and sib-mating. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16:105.
- Barot S, V Allard, A Cantarel, J Enjalbert, A Gauffreteau, I Goldringer, JC Lata, X Le Roux, A Niboyet and E Porcher. 2017. Designing mixtures of varieties for multifunctional agriculture with the help of ecology. A review. Agriculture for Sustainable Development. 37:13.
- Lande R and E Porcher. 2017. Inbreeding depression maintained by recessive lethal mutations interacting with stabilizing selection on quantitative characters in a partially self-fertilizing population. Evolution. 71:1191–1204.
- Fried G, A Villiers and E Porcher. 2018. Assessing non-intended effects of farming practices on field margin vegetation with a functional approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 261: 33-44.
- Dubs F, A Vergnes, E Mirlicourtois, I Le Viol, C Kerbiriou, J Goulnik, S Belghali, L Bentze, S Barot and E Porcher. 2018. Positive effects of wheat variety mixtures on aboveground arthropods are weak and variable. Basic and Applied Ecology. 33: 66-78.
- Devaux C, E Porcher and R Lande. 2018. Mating systems and avoidance of inbreeding depression as evolutionary drivers of pollen limitation in animal-pollinated self-compatible plants. Annals of Botany. Special Issue: 327-366.
- Martin G, C Fontaine, F Accatino and E Porcher. 2019. New indices for rapid assessment of pollination services based on crop yield data : France as a case study. Ecological Indicators. 101:355-363.
- Martin G, V Devictor, E Motard, N Machon and E Porcher. 2019. Short-term climate-induced change in French plant communities. Biology Letters, 15: 20190280.
- Billaud O, RL Vermeersch, E Porcher. 2020. Citizen science involving farmers as a means to document temporal trends in farmland biodiversity and relate them to agricultural practices. Journal of Applied Ecology, 12:261-273.
- Andrade C, A Villers, G Balent, A Bar-Hen, J Chadoeuf, D Cylly, D Cluzeau, G Fried, S Guillocheau, O Pillon, E Porcher, J tressous, O Yamada, N Lenne, J Jullien and P Monestiez. 2021. A real-world implementation of a nationwide, long-term monitoring program to assess the impact of agrochemicals and agricultural practices on biodiversity. Ecology and Evolution, 11 :3771-3793
- Duchenne F, G Martin, E Porcher. 2021. European plants lagging behind climate change pay a climatic debt in the North, but are favored in the South. Ecology Letters, 24:1178-1186.
- Van der Meersch, V, O Billaud, N San Cristobal, A Vialatte, E Porcher. 2022. Landscape floral resources provided by rapeseed correlate with next-year reproduction of cavity-nesting pollinators in a national participatory monitoring program. Landscape Ecology 37:551-565.
- Boyd RJ, Powney GD, Burns F, Danet A, Duchenne F, Grainger MJ, Jarvis SG, Martin G, Nilsen EB, Porcher E, Stewart GB, Wilson OJ, Pescott OL. 2022. ROBITT: A tool for assessing the risk-of-bias in studies of temporal trends in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13: 1497–1507.
- Duchenne F, Porcher E, Mihoub J-B, Loïs G, Fontaine C. 2022. Controversy over the decline of arthropods: a matter of temporal baseline? Peer Community Journal 2: e33.
Publications dans des actes de congrès avec comité de lecture
- Bataillon, T, I Bonnin, J David, C Lavigne, V Le Corre, S Poirier, E Porcher, X Reboud, J Ronfort, F Roux, S Santoni and A-C Thuillet. 2004. Dynamique de la diversité génétique dans les populations naturelles et artificielles de plantes autogames. Les Actes du BRG. 4:187-199.
- Goldringer, I, C Lavigne, V Le Corre, E Porcher, A-L Raquin, X Reboud, T Bataillon and J Enjalbert. 2005. Evolution comparée de la diversité de caractères quantitatifs, de marqueurs neutres et de gènes d’intérêt dans des (méta)populations expérimentales de blé et d’Arabidopsis. Les Actes du BRG. 5:293-307.
- Chateil, C, JC Abadie, S Gachet, N Machon and E Porcher. 2007. Can agri-environmental measures benefit plant biodiversity? An experimental test of the effects of agri-environmental measures on weed diversity. Actes de la 20e conférence du COLUMA - Journées internationales sur la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes.
- Machon, N, E Porcher and D Mathieu. 2012. Vigie-flore – A nationwide monitoring programme for common plant species and plant communities in France. Biodiversity and Ecology. 4:378-379
- Mobaied, S, N Machon and E Porcher. 2015. Ecological specialization and rarity indices estimated for a large number of plant species in France. Data in Brief. 3:165-168.
Chapitres de livre
- Porcher E and C Fontaine. 2019. Paysages, pollinisateurs et niveaux de pollinisation. Pp. 145-164 in Lavigne, C and S Petit (Eds.) Paysage, biodiversité fonctionnelle et santé des cultures. Quae, Paris.
- Barot S, E Porcher, D McKey, C Lavigne. 2020. Apports de l’écologie à l’agroécologie. Pp. 211-227 in Hubert B and D Couvet (Eds) La transition agroécologique. Quelles perspectives en France et ailleurs dans le monde ? Presse des Mines, Paris.
- Lavigne C, D McKey, S Barot, E Porcher. 2020. Mise en œuvre des apports de l’écologie à l’agroécologie. Pp. 355-368 in Hubert B and D Couvet (Eds) La transition agroécologique. Quelles perspectives en France et ailleurs dans le monde ? Presse des Mines, Paris.