Frédéric Jiguet

Bâtiment 135
43 rue Buffon
75005 Paris
Enseignement et pédagogie
Encadrement étudiants
Supervised and co-supervised PhDs:
1) Vincent DEVICTOR (2003-2007), (funded by the Ministry of Research), co-direction with Romain Julliard.
2) Louis de REDON (2004-2007), Biodiversity of roadsides and associated management (funded by Ministry of Equipment, Ecology and Sustainable Development), co-direction with Nathalie Machon
3) Yves BAS (2005-2009) Measuring the impacts of agricultural and forestry practices on biodiversity, (ENSLyon)
4) Jean-Pierre MOUSSUS (2007-2010), Mechanisms of reorganization of bird communities facing climate change (ENS Cachan), co-direction with Romain Julliard
5) Morgane BARBET-MASSIN (2008-2011), Predicting the impacts of climate and land use changes on bird distributions (ENS Ulm). Defended 28 June 2011
6) Anthony BOULORD (2008-2011), Conservation biology of the Reed Parrotbill on Chongming island, China (funded by the East China Normal University, Shanghai), co-direction with Prof. Wang TIAN-HOU
7) Karine PRINCE (2009-2012), Predicting future farmland bird abundance and indicators under scenarios of agricultural changes (funded by Ministry of Research)
8) Lauriane MOUYSSET (2009-2012), Bio economic modeling for a sustainable management of biodiversity and agriculture (ANR Systerra), co-direction with Luc Doyen (UMR7204)
9) Nivia LUZURIAGA (2009-2012), Monitoring sealife and landbirds in the Galapagos islands (funded by the Ecuador government), co-direction with Pierre-Yves Henry (MNHN), collaboration with the Charles Darwin Fundation (Galapagos)
10) Aliénor JELIAZKOV (2010-2013), Scale-dependant effects of agricultural practices on biodiversity in the Seine basin, funded by CNRS to the FIRE, co-directed with François Chiron and Josette Garnier
11) Jonathan ROLLAND (2011-2014). Studying diversification in birds and mammals using phylogenies. Funded by Chaire X-MNHN, co-directed with Hélène Morlon (Ecole Polytechnique)
12) Anne-Christine MONNET (2011-2014), Predicting the impacts of climate change on Houbara and MacQueen’s Bustards in the context of reinforcement programs. Funded by the Emirates Center for Wildlife Propagation, co-directed with Yves Hingrat (scientific director of ECWP).
13) Leyli Borner (2012-2015), Estimating the collision risk and mortality of birds along electric powerlines. Funded by RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Electricité), co-directed with Olivier Duriez (CEFE)
14) Camille Dross (2013-2016) Agro-ecosystem services and biodiversity in the French farm. Co-directed with Muriel Tichit (INRA)
15) Manon Ghislain (2013-2016). Analysing and downscaling demographic rates from ringing constant effort sites. Co-directed with Pierre-Yves Henry (MNHN)
16) Simon Rolland (2014-2017). Impacts of global change on the migration strategy of passerine birds: insights from citizen science. Funded by Region Ile-de-France (PICRI). Co-directed with Yvan Tariel (LPO).
17) Pauline Pierret (2014-2017). Spatio-temporal trends in granivorous birds at garden feeders facing adjacent agriculture. Funded by Region Ile-de-France (DIM Astrea), co-directed with Benoit Fontaine (MNHN)
Supervised post-docs:
1) Prof. Miguel Angelo MARINI (7 months, 2008), Modelling the distributions of rare or endemic birds across Brazil and its reserve networks (funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Research)
2) Aggeliki DOXA (8 months, Apr2009-Feb2010), High Nature Value Farmland and birds (funded by the JRC of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy)
3) Ondine FILIPPI-CODACCIONI (1 year, Apr2009-Mar2010), Analysing 28 years of migration counts in the Pyrenees (funded by LPO Aquitaine)
4) François CHIRON (6 months, April-Sept 2011), Predicting EU Farmland Bird Index under CAPRI agriculture scenarios (funded by the JRC of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy)
5) Vincent PELLISSIER (6 months, April-Sept 2011), Evaluating the effects of Natura2000 on common breeding birds, funded by Ministry of Ecology, co-supervised with Romain Julliard (MNHN) and Julien Tourroult (SPN, MNHN)
6) Romain Lorrillière (12 months, Sept 2013-Aug 2014), Modelling dispersion to explain population dynamics of farmland birds facing agriculture changes. Funded by MOBILIS (FRB) co-directed with Luc Doyen (CNRS)
7) Caroline MOUSSY (18 months, Sept 2014-Marc 2016), Phylogeography of the migration of the Ortolan Bunting, funded by Labex BCDiv (CNRS-MNHN).
8) Karine PRINCE (to start Jan 2015, for 18 months). Modelling ecosystem services’ links to biodiversity in the European farm. Funded by ANR Trustee.