L’UMR 7204 "Centre d'Écologie et des Sciences de la Conservation" est une UMR (unité mixte de recherche) du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, du CNRS et de Sorbonne Université.
Master Biodiversité, écologie, évolution - Université Paris Saclay
Froidevaux Jérémy S P, Toshkova Nia, Barbaro Luc, Benítez-López Ana, Kerbiriou Christian, Le Viol Isabelle, Pacifici Michela, Santini Luca, Stawski Clare, Russo Danilo, Dekker Jasja, Alberdi Antton, Amorim Francisco, Ancillotto Leonardo, Barré Kévin et al., mai 2023 — A species-level trait dataset of bats in Europe and beyond. Knowledge of species’ functional traits is essential for understanding biodiversity patterns, predicting the impacts of global…Scientific Datavol. 10, n° 1, p. 253
Barré Kévin, Froidevaux Jérémy S P, Sotillo Alejandro, Roemer Charlotte & Kerbiriou Christian, 2023 — Drivers of bat activity at wind turbines advocate for mitigating bat exposure using multicriteria algorithm-based curtailment. Science of the Total Environmentvol. 866, November 2022, p. 161404
Leroux Camille, Le Viol Isabelle, Valet Nicolas, Kerbiriou Christian & Barré Kévin, 2023 — Disentangling mechanisms responsible for wind energy effects on European bats. Journal of Environmental Managementvol. 346, , p. 118987
Mariton Léa, Le Viol Isabelle, Bas Yves & Kerbiriou Christian, janvier 2023 — Characterising diel activity patterns to design conservation measures: Case study of European bat species. Biological Conservationvol. 277, , p. 109852
Barré Kévin, Froidevaux Jérémy S P, Leroux Camille, Mariton Léa, Fritze Marcus, Kerbiriou Christian, Le Viol Isabelle, Bas Yves & Roemer Charlotte, septembre 2022 — Over a decade of failure to implement UNEP/EUROBATS guidelines in wind energy planning: A call for action. Conservation Science and Practicevol. e12805, n° 11, e12805
Leroux Camille, Kerbiriou Christian, Le Viol Isabelle, Valet Nicolas & Barré Kévin, août 2022 — Distance to hedgerows drives local repulsion and attraction of wind turbines on bats: Implications for spatial siting. Journal of Applied Ecologyvol. 59, n° 8, p. 2142-2153
Mariton Léa, Kerbiriou Christian, Bas Yves, Zanda Brigitte & Le Viol Isabelle, juillet 2022 — Even low light pollution levels affect the spatial distribution and timing of activity of a “light tolerant” bat species. Environmental Pollutionvol. 305, , p. 119267
Barré Kévin, Vernet Arthur, Azam Clémentine, Le Viol Isabelle, Dumont Agathe, Deana Thomas, Vincent Stéphane, Challéat Samuel & Kerbiriou Christian, 2022 — Landscape composition drives the impacts of artificial light at night on insectivorous bats. Environmental Pollutionvol. 292, October 2021, p. 118394
Claireau Fabien, Kerbiriou Christian, Charton Flavien, Braga Cédric De Almeida, Ferraille Thibaut, Julien Jean-François, Machon Nathalie, Allegrini Benjamin, Puechmaille Sebastien J. & Bas Yves, juillet 2021 — Bat Overpasses Help Bats to Cross Roads Safely by Increasing Their Flight Height. Acta Chiropterologicavol. 23, n° 1,
Dubos Nicolas, Kerbiriou Christian, Julien Jean-françois, Barbaro Luc, Barré Kévin, Claireau Fabien, Froidevaux Jeremy, Le Viol Isabelle, Lorrillie Romain, Roemer Charlotte, Verfaillie Fabien & Bas Yves, février 2021 — Going beyond species richness and abundance: robustness of community specialisation measures in short acoustic surveys. Biodiversity and Conservationvol. 30, n° 2, p. 343-363